About us

Daobit develops and implements software products intended for participants in the transportation process by rail.

The company's solutions allow: to calculate according to the specified parameters and receive information on the amount of the freight charge, additional fees for freight transportation by rail; get access to an extensive up-to-date legal and regulatory framework of documents regulating railway transportation; build routes, get information about stations and calculate distances for railway transportation. Specialists, experts and government officials use actual observations.

Daobit specialists have a unique long-term experience in creating specialized systems for professionals in the field of rail transportation and logistics. The development of software products is carried out in close cooperation with industry experts and end users. Support is provided not only at a high technical level, but also on a substantive level.

Dream R-team

When creating software products, Daobit pays special attention to the relevance, accuracy and reliability of the information that the end user will receive. For high security, high-speed performance of systems and comfortable work with them, a modern technology stack and advanced approaches to building interfaces for the business community are used.

The geography of the company's activities covers Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus and other CIS countries, as well as a number of countries in Europe and Asia. Daobit has vast experience in working with leading players in the transport and logistics industry, including: TransContainer, Freight One, FGK, Gazpromtrans, RZD-Logistics, SUEK, KTZ Express, KedenTransService, Kaztemirtrans , Eastcomtrans, BTLC, Beltamozhservice and many others.